February 01, 2014


As I've said before, I wanted to try if my new bowls were suitable for making matcha.

I still have this instruction leaflet from Japan:

(Note that it has a typo. They mean "foam", not "form".)

This is the matcha I used:

And this is my gear:

Okay, matcha into bowl:

Add very hot, but not boiling water:


And whisk:


 In lieu of proper wagashi, we used this, bought at the new Turkish supermarket three bus stops away from us:

Unpacked, it looked like this:

For those who don't know lokum: it is a firm, rather chewy kind of jelly. This kind is flavored with rose petals and dusted with powdered sugar. It went very well with the matcha!


  1. How did you find the matcha? Was it bitter? (The Japanese describe the bitterness of matcha, green tea, etc. as shibui (astringent).) Or, was it sweet rather than bitter?
    Like I said in my blog, good matcha is surprisingly sweet and not bitter at at all.

    1. This particular matcha was not bitter at all.
      But to be honest, the slight bitterness of many sorts of green tea is one that I rather like.
      When I am at a loss what to post for the next time, I will make myself a cup of gyokuro cha and say a few words about it.
