February 17, 2014

Learning Japanese, part 2

As there is not a lot to do in Austria in the mountains if you don't ski, I have a lot of time to catch up on kanji and katakana.

I had to transliterate this from hiragana to the proper katakana and kanji:

Here is the translation: "There are four avocados, eight papayas, one melon, nine kiwis, five lemons, three limes, ten oranges, seven pineapples, two mangos and six passionfruits."

That is going to become one strange fruit salad ;)


  1. Assignment given to you from a Japanese teacher? What a funny sentence!
    I hope you don't mind correcting one mistake: Not キウい but キウイ.

    1. Yes, an assignment intended to train the use of katakana on the one hand and of the kanji for the numbers from 1 to 10 on the other hand.

      Thank you for pointing out my mistake!
