March 09, 2014

The (mostly) horrible things my daughter eats, part 3

Tomorrow is a special day for Esther. The day of the High School Admission Test.

Because she will have two breaks of half an hour each, she had asked for something to eat to take with her. I suggested that Ben make pancakes (crêpes), but Ben said he'd be busy making Grünkern patties.

So I thought: I have everything in the house for tsunamayo onigiri. And I had bought these some time ago:

Onigiri wrappers! (Well, kimbap wrappers, more precisely. It is a Korean product.)

Note that this will become something Esther likes which is not horrible at all. At least not to me. Ben thinks differently (about the tuna inside).

Ben has taken a lot of photos of me making the onigiri. Let me see which are best.

A can of tuna and a bowl:

I drained the tuna and mixed it with a bit of Japanese mayonnaise, using a fork. I let Esther try it if it was enough mayo, and she said yes.


This box will sit in the fridge patiently until early tomorrow morning.

Esther watched me making the onigiri and exclaimed: "Oooh, this looks soooo delicious!"

Dear readers, do wish my daughter the best of luck for the test tomorrow. 


  1. Wow, your onigiri look very much like the ones sold at any conbini (convenience stores) in Japan! They look very tasty!

    But, I am more interested in what's inside! I mean the rice. What variety of rice did you use? And, what variety of rice do you usually have?

    1. Un, oishikatta desu yo!

      The fact that I could go into a konbini 24/7 and buy all sorts of onigiri was a thing I missed so much it hurt when we returned to Switzerland from our journey through Japan.

      So far, we have also recreated successfully onigiri filled with bainiku and with goma kombu. (But Esther won't eat them.)
