March 17, 2014

Sake! (part 3)

At my last visit to Yumi Hana, I decided to buy a bottle of table sake, so I could post about it.

Voilà: Shochikubai Table Sake.

I wonder if in this case, "table sake" has the same connotations as "table wine" (or Tafelwein in German).

If this was sake of lower quality, would it really be in such a nice package?

At least it is certain that it boasts a rather intense taste :) 


  1. There is no equivalent term for "table wine" in Japanese. Probably the term futsuushu 普通酒 ふつうしゅ, common, ordinary sake, is close in concept.

    According to the official website of the sake brewery, 上撰 じょうせん jousen is the second rank.
    特選 tokusen = 1st
    佳撰 kasen = 3rd

    Considering the price (1,500-1,800 yen in Japan), your sake is not so bad, but not so good, either.

    The brewery recommends that this sake be heated to around 45C (上燗 じょうかん joukan).

    1. Thank you so much for your detailed explanations!

      From what I found out on the English websites of the brewery, they specialize in sake meant as a gift. This would explain the nice package.

      It is amazing that the price of this particular sake is roughly the same here as in Japan!

      I seldom pay more for sake, except when I need to buy it at my local supermarket, where it costs almost twice as much.
