March 06, 2014

A parcel from Germany

Not an altogether food-related post.

When we were in Japan, I saw a lot of people wearing Birkenstock sandals. Particularly the model which is similar to flip-flops.

So I bought myself a pair of tabi socks in Japan with the intention of buying Birkenstock sandals in the springtime.

These are my new Birkenstock "flip-flops" and the tabi socks from Japan:

It took some time getting used to walking in those, but now it feels quite comfortable.

I regretted not having bought more tabi socks, though. However, I found a mail order company in Germany where I got some more tabi socks:

The label of three of them says "Nadeshiko". I can feel like a true Yamato Nadeshiko when I am wearing them ;)

In the parcel were also three otoshi-buta like this one:

As you can see, it is a perfect fit for that pot (and two other pots of mine).

Now I have to think about what to cook using them...


  1. Tabi socks sounds interesting! I don't have any!

    Three otoshi buta? I hope to see them in action soon!

    1. Hiroyuki: well, do you wear geta or zouri?

  2. Me? No, I don't. I have a pair of "sandals", though.
    In Japan, crocs have become very popular these days.
