January 12, 2014

Some of my kitchen utensils

I am waiting for the dishwasher to finish so I can take some more pictures. Last I've heard it was already drying the dishes, so while it's at it I will start with some other photos.

 This is my donabe and portable gas cooker. I treated myself to these items one day before New Years' Eve. I had been thinking about ordering them via amazon.com, but they wanted US$95 for shipping and handling, so I preferred to go to Yumi Hana (Korean/Japanese grocer) in downtown Zurich.

These are various hashi we use and my daughter's two lunchboxes. From bottom to top: IKEA hashi (they come in various colors) with hashioki (though from a different set of IKEA chopsticks), Glit and Brillia plastic chopsticks from J-List with hashioki from Nishi's Japan Shop, Momo-Tan chopsticks, also from J-List, saibashi (cooking chopsticks) from Yumi Hana
and one Totoro lunchbox and one Pokéball lunchbox.

I think the lunchboxes are intended for kids that still go to kindergarten, as they are both not very large ;)

Now the dishwasher is done - now I can take pictures of our beautiful bowls.

These are the various bowls we use. For rice. For ramen. For miso shiru. For salads. For anything, really.


  1. I'd like to see what you pack your lunchboxes with, if it's not too personal...

    1. :) It's not too personal. I am afraid that you may have to wait a rather long while until there is a need to pack a lunchbox.
      Our daughter is still a shougakusei. Here in Switzerland, this means that she has a lunch break of about one and a half hours, during which the kids are supposed to come home and have lunch with Mom (or Dad or both). There are facilities for kids whose parents both work the whole day, where lunch is provided. But as I am a stay-at-home mum we don't use them.
      On the rare occasions when the kids go on field trips for the whole day, my husband makes pancakes (crêpes) for our daughter. I can post that recipe on occasion :)
